Development with Golang Resources


If you are new to golang then the first thing you should do is to know about the language itself. And the place that I found very helpful was

The site has covered almost everything to get you started with golang.

Web Development with Golang

The next thing you need to know is how to build web applications with goland and how to maintain structure of your project. Todd Mcleod’s course from udemy was one of the course that I followed to learn about this. It was a great course where I was able to learn core stuffs about web development with Golang. Here’s the link for the course:

Production-grade Golang Web Apps

When you have learned about how to build web servers with golang, how to use templates and how to follow MVC pattern, the next thing you need to know is how to build production-grade web apps with Golang. And Jon Calhoun comes in your support. His course was one of the greatest course I have completed. In the course he goes through the book he wrote on web development with Golang. If you are not a fan of reading then this is the course for you. Spot on explanation, maintaining standard project structure and many more are taught in this course. Here’s the link to the course:

You can also follow his website and other courses on Golang on

Rest API with Golang

Now to get a taste of how to buld rest api using golang you can follow the crash course of Brad Traversy from youtub.

What’s Next

Now for to continue learning more about Golang I have decided to follow the bellow links:


Jon Calhoun:


Todd Mcleod:

Coding Train:

National Conferences (GothamGo):


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